
Thank you for visiting The Chicken Show online!

Join Chickenman and the gang every Wednesday at 8:30PM for an hour (ish) of antics.

When the show isn't on the air, use the same feed to enjoy the #MixTape and hear some of your favourite songs.

We're also starting to post some content on our new YouTube channel.

What do people think of our show?

  • "Fun way to spend a Tuesday night."

Gary Sisson, Ottawa-area DJ and karaoke host

  • "Another fine show, Chickenman."

Mo Labrador, dedicated weekly listener and regular contributor of "Audience Challenges"

  • "[Tonight's show] was incredible."

Kolter Bouchard, Toronto radio personality

  • "I turned in for about 5 minutes...but I got bored...I prefer TV!"

Chickenman's mom

  • "Absolutely, buddy! Great show tonight!"

Brian MacLean, Algonquin College student, when asked if he'd tune in again after his first time listening

  • "Really missed you cats tonight! Fingers crossed I'll be there next week!"

Hez, co-host, after taking a night off from the show